lundi 30 août 2010

It's 2010: Do you know where your employees/clients/members/volunteers are? - Generations X, Y, & Z

It's 2010: Do you know where your employees/clients/members/volunteers are? - Generations X, Y, & Z

I continue to be amazed by how many organizations I work with who either do not use or do not value social media. They refer to social media as a tiresome chore (Do we really have to be on Facebook?) and consider it a silly pastime (I don't want my employees chatting with their friends all day!).

In fact, I recently had a heated debate with someone who insisted that social media was 'over'.

What Generation Y Wants at Work and Why You Should Care

Generations X, Y, & Z: Generation Y

What Generation Y Wants at Work and Why You Should Care

What do Ys want at work?Work_life_balance_sign2

For several years Johnson Controls has been sponsoring a survey of younger generations to answer this very question. Their most recent research shows that 18-25 year olds view the office as an extens

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mercredi 11 août 2010

Generation Y 2.0 - Le premier blog sur la génération Y et le Management 2.0 - Benjamin Chaminade

Generation Y 2.0 - Le premier blog sur la génération Y et le Management 2.0 - Benjamin Chaminade

metaphore generation y Métaphore et Génération YIl est parfois plus opportun et pertinent d’illustrer des phénomènes sociétaux et comportementaux par le biais de métaphores. A cet effet, nous vous proposons une série d’articles sur les métaphores qui illustrent les valeurs, les systèmes de pensée et les comportements de la culture Y…

Un vieux professeur était chargé de former une classe de dirigean

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jeudi 1 juillet 2010

Sandwich generation caught in demographic trap

Sandwich generation caught in demographic trap

Employers are facing a demographic tidal wave over the coming decades as caring for elderly relatives replaces childcare as the major work / life issue for their increasingly stressed employees.

vendredi 11 juin 2010

Génération Y et management : mieux la comprendre pour mieux collaborer.

Génération Y et management : mieux la comprendre pour mieux collaborer.

Elvire del FONDO Vice-Présidente Xplor France
La « Génération Y », vous connaissez ?
Inventé au début des années 90, le terme désigne les personnes nées entre 1978 et 1994, par opposition à la génération précédente, dite génération X.
Mais au-delà de la considération démographique, la génération Y revêt des caractéristiques en propre. Rapport au travail, droits et devoirs envers l'employeur, modes de consommation, relations interpersonnelles... la génération Y, impatiente, affiche un comportement « zappeur », bousculant la sphère professionnelle et l'obligeant à une profonde remise en question de ces fondamentaux.
Pistes de lecture et éléments de compréhension

mercredi 9 juin 2010

Generation Y let down by schools and managers

Generation Y let down by schools and managers

The recession is not the only disadvantage facing young people entering or trying to get ahead in the jobs' market. They are also being badly let down by the school system and by entrenched negative stereotypes within the media and the boardroom.

Préjugés et stéréotypes nuisent grandement à la génération y qui fait des envieux parmi les autres groupes d'âge.(JMR)

vendredi 26 mars 2010

Democrats Do Best Among Generation Y and Baby Boomers

Democrats Do Best Among Generation Y and Baby Boomers

La génération X est plus conservatrice. Les boomers et la génération Y sont plus à gauche. Les problèmes d'emplois, les difficultés à faire sa place au soleil, tous ça rend-il plus conservateur et plus imperméable à la misère des autres? On pourrait le penser. Et il me semble que c'est pareil chez nous. (JMR)

May 8, 2009

Democrats Do Best Among Generation Y and Baby Boomers

Republicans do better among Generation X

by Frank Newport

PRINCETON, NJ -- Although Democrats currently enjoy a party identification advantage over Republicans among Americans at every age between 18 to 85, the Democrats' greatest advantages come among those in their 20s and baby boomers in their late 40s and 50s. Republicans, on the other hand, come closest to parity with Democrats among Generation Xers in their late 30s and early 40s and among seniors in their late 60s.


These conclusions are based on an analysis of more than 123,000 interviews conducted by Gallup between Jan. 2

Gen Y a Generation Apart

Forrester Technographics Benchmark Survey: Gen Y a Generation Apart - MarketingVOX: "Forrester

Although Gen Y (those 18-28 years old) is a small generation, comprising just 38 million US adults, they set the pace for technology adoption - 9 in 10 own a PC and 82 percent own a mobile phone - according to Forrester Research's 2008 North American Technographics Benchmark survey, MarketingCharts reports.

But what sets Gen Y apart is its technology use, a generational analysis of the survey results, 'The State Of Consumers And Technology: Benchmark 2008,' found.


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Generation Y's goal? Wealth and fame -

Generation Y's goal? Wealth and fame - "By Sharon Jayson, USA TODAY
Ask young people about their generation's top life goals and the answer is clear and resounding: They want to be rich and famous.

RELATED: Gen Y's attitudes differ from parents'

'When you open a celebrity magazine, it's all about the money and being rich and famous,' says 22-year-old Cameron Johnson of Blacksburg, Va. 'The TV shows we watch — anything from The Apprentice where the intro to the show is the 'money song' — to Us Weekly magazine where you see all the celebrities and their $6 million homes. We see reality TV shows with Jessica and Nick living the life. We see Britney and Paris. The people we relate to outside our friends are those people.'"

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Generation Y biggest user of libraries: survey | Reuters

Generation Y biggest user of libraries: survey

Sun Dec 30, 2007 4:08pm EST
A woman stands among the bookshelves in the main reading room of  The New York Public Library, December 14, 2004. REUTERS/Mike Segar lire cet article

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than half of Americans visited a library in the past year with many of them drawn in by the computers rather than the books, according to a survey released on Sunday.

U.S. | Bonds

Of the 53 percent of U.S. adults who said they visited a library in 2007, the biggest users were young adults aged 18 to 30 in the tech-loving group known as Generation Y, the survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project said.

Who is Generation Y?

Who is Generation Y?

Issue 2 - 2001

Workplace Visions
The New Workforce

Forget about the baby boomers. Quit thinking about Generation X. U.S. employers are about to be faced with a new set of employees whose influence will be greater than that of the two previous generations combined. Whether they are called Generation Y, the Millenials, or echo boomers, the members of this demographic group have the potential to significantly shape the workplace over the next decade as they embark on their careers.
Who is part of this new workforce? What are the forces that are shaping it? What will this workforce contribute to the workplace and what will it demand in return? How can employers smoothly integrate Generation Y into their operations? The following analysis provides employers with a glimpse into their future.

Who is Generation Y?

mardi 16 mars 2010

Monitor: The net generation, unplugged | The Economist

Monitor: The net generation, unplugged | The Economist: "Monitor
The net generation, unplugged
Technology and society: Is it really helpful to talk about a new generation of “digital natives” who have grown up with the internet?

Mar 4th 2010 | From The Economist print edition
Totally different from previous generations—or just younger?

THEY are variously known as the Net Generation, Millennials, Generation Y or Digital Natives. But whatever you call this group of young people—roughly, those born between 1980 and 2000—there is a widespread consensus among educators, marketers and policymakers that digital technologies have given rise to a new generation of students, consumers, and citizens who see the world in a different way. Growing up with the internet, it is argued, has transformed their approach to education, work and politics."

Génération Y, au-delà de l’âge. | Generation Y 2.0

Génération Y, au-delà de l’âge. | Generation Y 2.0: "Génération Y, au-delà de l’âge.
Publié par Benjamin dans Genera(lisa)tion Y

Les incompréhensions entre générations n’ont pas attendues les Y ou les Baby-boomers. De tous temps les générations les plus anciennes ont portée un regard interrogateur sur les générations plus jeunes. Je pensais que la première référence à cette incompréhension datait de Pline le Jeune (61-113) décriant “ces jeunes errants sans but dans l’enceinte du forum”. En fait, on peut remonter bien plus loin…"

mercredi 13 janvier 2010

Denis Dufresne : Les boomers... là pour durer | Estrie

Denis Dufresne : Les boomers... là pour durer | Estrie: "Denis Dufresne

Denis Dufresne
La Tribune

(Sherbrooke) On les a enviés, conspués, voire enterrés avant l'heure, mais les baby-boomers, cette immense cohorte d'anciens jeunes nés entre 1947 et 1966, prennent toujours autant de place et exerceront leur influence sur la société pendant encore 15 ou 20 ans.

Qu'on se le tienne pour dit!"

Les boomers... là pour durer | Estrie

Denis Dufresne : Les boomers... là pour durer | Estrie: "Denis Dufresne

Denis Dufresne
La Tribune

(Sherbrooke) On les a enviés, conspués, voire enterrés avant l'heure, mais les baby-boomers, cette immense cohorte d'anciens jeunes nés entre 1947 et 1966, prennent toujours autant de place et exerceront leur influence sur la société pendant encore 15 ou 20 ans.

Qu'on se le tienne pour dit!"