lundi 30 août 2010

It's 2010: Do you know where your employees/clients/members/volunteers are? - Generations X, Y, & Z

It's 2010: Do you know where your employees/clients/members/volunteers are? - Generations X, Y, & Z

I continue to be amazed by how many organizations I work with who either do not use or do not value social media. They refer to social media as a tiresome chore (Do we really have to be on Facebook?) and consider it a silly pastime (I don't want my employees chatting with their friends all day!).

In fact, I recently had a heated debate with someone who insisted that social media was 'over'.

What Generation Y Wants at Work and Why You Should Care

Generations X, Y, & Z: Generation Y

What Generation Y Wants at Work and Why You Should Care

What do Ys want at work?Work_life_balance_sign2

For several years Johnson Controls has been sponsoring a survey of younger generations to answer this very question. Their most recent research shows that 18-25 year olds view the office as an extens

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mercredi 11 août 2010

Generation Y 2.0 - Le premier blog sur la génération Y et le Management 2.0 - Benjamin Chaminade

Generation Y 2.0 - Le premier blog sur la génération Y et le Management 2.0 - Benjamin Chaminade

metaphore generation y Métaphore et Génération YIl est parfois plus opportun et pertinent d’illustrer des phénomènes sociétaux et comportementaux par le biais de métaphores. A cet effet, nous vous proposons une série d’articles sur les métaphores qui illustrent les valeurs, les systèmes de pensée et les comportements de la culture Y…

Un vieux professeur était chargé de former une classe de dirigean

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